Monday, July 9, 2012

June 12/12- Hine Cognac tasting!!

The Date and Time: Tuesday, June 12, 2012   11AM to 1PM

The Event: a tasting of rare Hine Cognacs with the agent Woodman Wines and Spirits.

The Venue: Le Select

The Target Audience: clients, media

The Availability/Catalogue: e tasted six cognacs, three will be available at the LCBO this fall, two are currently at the LCBO.

The Quote/Background: It was a hot day, which mitigated against a roaring fireplace that suggests cognac to me. It was also a walkaround with one-on-one conversations.

The Cognacs:


One – Hine Rare VSOP, +356857, $86.15 LCBO General List

       (soft, alluring, no afterbite in the finish, FOUR stars)


Two - Hine Homage Cognac, +285973, $144.95 Spirits Release of Sept 20, 2012. (a blend of cognacs from the 1984, 1986 and l987 vintages, firmer flavours, slight spiciness on finish, THREE POINT FIVE stars)


Three – Hine 1er Cru Antique XO, +241174, $226.75 LCBO General List

        (100 cases quota for Ontario, some marmalade, totally smooth, FOUR Stars)


Four – Hine Cigar Reserve Cognac, +961136, $129.95 Spirits Release of Sept 20, 2012 (smokey, as expected, toasty, spices, began production in early 1980s, THREE POINT FIVE Stars)


Five - Hine Triomphe Decanter, +292888, $830  Classics Online Release of Nov 19, 2012 (oranges and spices, totally suggestive of Christmas and yulelog warmth, FOUR Stars Plus)


Six – Hine Grande Champagne 1964, not available. Comparable is the 1975 for about $900. (aged 20 – 25 years in wood, extremely smooth entrance but ends with a slightly hot finish, THREE STARS)



The Food: terrines, cornichons, pickled mushrooms and onions, breads.

The Contact Person:

The Event's Marketing Effectiveness and Execution (numerical grade): 88.

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