1.THE SECRETS OF MASTER BREWERS (Storey Publishing, 2017, 294 pages, ISBN 978-1-61212-654-8, $24.95 USD paperbound) is by Jeff Alworth who has been writing about beer and brewing for two decades. His most impressive book is The Beer Bible. Here, this latest tome is an essential beer book because we get insights from the professionals. There are behind-the-scenes tours of 26 European and American breweries, with details on processes, equipment, and ingredients for each style of beer. There are, of course, details on Czech brewing traditions for pilferers, Belgian agricultural history for saison. It is arranged by major style: British, German, Czech, Belgian, French-Italian, and American – with a chapter on brewing wild yeast. In the Brit style, there are chapters on cask ales, strong bitters, mild ales, Irish stouts, old ales, and strong Scottish ales. Beer recipes have their ingredients listed in avoirdupois measurements, but there is no table of metric equivalents.
Audience and level of use: beer lovers, homebrewers, professionals.
Some interesting or unusual recipes/facts: Beer can use the Spanish solera system to keep alive an ecosystem that has produced an especially tasty batch of wild ale. It can replicate a great batch of beer and add texture when different flavours are blended together.
The downside to this book: I wanted more!
The upside to this book: there is a bibliography and a glossary.
Quality/Price Rating: 91.
Chimo! www.deantudor.com
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