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Sunday, March 9, 2025



There are currently eight Cremants at the LCBO. Cremants are like Champagne but normally without the reserve/aged wine additions; consequently, they are usually vintage dated and fresh in taste. They are also about 1/3 the price of Champagnes despite going through the same technique of a second fermentation in the bottle. Grape varieties are usually those of the region; hence, the superb quality of such as Crémant de Bourgogne with its pinot noir and chardonnay components.

Chateau de Montgueret Cremant de Loire Brut 4 stars (6) ratings
$22.95Price $22.95

Crémant de Limoux Grande Cuvée 1531 de Sieur d'Arques 4 stars (9) ratings
$23.95Price $23.95

Veuve Ambal Cremant De Bourgogne Grande Cuvee Brut 4 stars (4) ratings
$22.75Price $22.75

Bailly Lapierre Réserve Brut Crémant de Bourgogne 4 stars (10) ratings
$24.95Price $24.95

De Chanceny Cremant De Loire Rose Brut
$21.95Price $21.95

La Seigneurie Cremant De Loire Extra Brut
$27.95Price $27.95

Rolet Cremant Du Jura Rose Brut
$40.95Price $40.95

Celene Cuvée Royal Brut Crémant de Bordeaux
$18.95Price $18.95

Dean Tudor,  Prof Emeritus T'karonto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) School of Journalism
Treasurer of Wine Writers' Circle of Canada

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